BETTERFED - Beef Company

BetterFed Beef is an e-commerce company selling premium beef products directly to consumers through its online storefront, The company, based in Minnesota, connects seventeen Midwest farm families who raise a specialised line of cattle as BetterFed Beef Producer-Owners. The project included company branding focused on evoking a premium taste experience while keeping the brand approachable.  

To design the logo, I considered the company’s desire to represent their roots in family cattle farming and their message that premium does not mean unaffordable. I  researched the market focusing on their competition and had multiple conversations with the company owners about the messaging they want the brand to convey. To capture the connection to the farming families providing the beef, I designed a logo that could sit seamlessly on a cattle ranch gate, while at the same time representing the straightforward, no middle-men approach to meat distribution thanks to the choice of a clean and modern font. To communicate the superior quality of the product, I chose a shade of burgundy to evoke the deep, satisfying colour of perfectly cooked steak. I finished the project with beautiful, mouth-watering product photography. During the shoot I paid particular attention to details that showcase the quality of the product.


  • Branding
  • Logo Design
  • Photography


  • Team Abovo